Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Black History. Something Doesn't Add Up

I actually read that today. There was a little column in a magazine that said "Do the math, the first black child was born in America 379 years ago, but black history month has only been celebrated for 27 years...something doesn't add up" Whites were traced from the time they left England up until now. Blacks were talked about when they were in Africa, but when they became slaves, what did we hear about them?

27 years... that means for over 350 years, of this country thriving off of our ancestor's hard work... we didn't so much as to have a paragraph in a newsletter back in the times. Our greatest scholars and thinkers probably were killed before they could even get their feelings and thoughts out to help pass on to the next generation. Generations after that probably were too ignorant to get their messages out because black slaves weren't allowed to read or write and those that could and did, were killed. This could be reasons why our youth today don't like to read or look at other blacks who excel in education as sellouts.

It's like the Willie Lynch letter says... if we implement this plan for one year, they'll do it to each other for at least 300 years. We kill and outcast those that do good in life, like the slave owners did the slaves. The light skinned blacks and the dark skinned blacks were turned against one another which is why dark skinned people aren't really fond of light skinned people. They turned men and women slaves against one another. That's still seen today because it's so hard for women to find a decent black man and it's hard for men to be decent to black women.

352 years of non representation... I think we have the right to more than just one month.

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