Sunday, February 21, 2010

Nigga Is The Coolest Word In The English Language

The word "Nigga" is probably the most popular word in the English language. Black people use it as a term of endearment after it was once a racial slur. It's the ONLY racial slur black people will use to describe other blacks, you don't hear blacks saying "what's up my coon?" or "These porch monkeys over here". Nigga is so cool that white people will risk saying the word around black people even though there is a risk they may get their asses whipped if they do.

Nigga is so cool, they had a funeral for the word Nigga, and Oprah attended the funeral. What other word will make Oprah go to their funeral? Must be an important word.

I'm surprised someone hasn't named their child "Nigga" yet. Can you imagine lil Nigga Jones? I wonder would that make people uncomfortable? It's not half as bad as some of the names I've heard either.

Only word I think is on par with being as cool as "Nigga" is "Bitch". It's like nigga, for women. Women are the only ones who can use it, they use it as a term of endearment for one another...somewhat. They get mad if someone other than a woman uses it, but sometimes men use it around women even though they know they run the risk of having their tires slashed and being kicked in the nuts.

(Let's not too sensitive this evening, these are only jokes)

Can We Please Get Over The "John Mayer" Controversy??

I'm over it... actually I was never outraged or upset about it. I read the article, I was like eh... who cares. I don't support John Mayer or his music so it doesn't matter to me what he says, as long as he's not talking about me or anyone I know... no harm done.

What gets me is why black people are soooo upset about it. Yes he used the N-word, we act like white people don't use that word ALL the time, hell they invented the word, they say it just as much as black people do, so I'm not surprised that he said it, like I said as long as he didn't look me in my eye and say "Roderic, you nigger" I have more pertinent things to get angry about.

I was watching the news and saw 5 separate stories about black kids being killed within 5 miles of my neighborhood, and we all know this type of senseless killing goes on everyday, THAT pisses me off, not John Mayer. Can we get Al and Jesse to stop going on WWE and chasing Imus long enough to speak to our young, black kids who actually MAY change from someone speaking to them instead of attacking John Mayer, who from what I've seen, is a jerk and is not going to change, no matter what we say?

Racism IS a real problem, don't get me wrong, but getting rid of racism doesn't start with attacking and blackballing celebrities who exhibit racist behavior because then you've just given them a cause and a fanbase, racism will be resolved when we all start preaching tolerance and acceptance of all races. And YES I'm speaking to ALL races because I've met racists of ALL nationalities so let's not act holier than thou and act like white people are the only people who are racist.

New For 2010: Text Messaging Ruining Communication

Is it just me or is text messaging ruining the communication process? It keeps a person's true personality and spontaneity in a conversation from showing up. When you can edit and decide how you want to say something before you say it, it makes you seem like a much better communicator than you may actually be.

People can be 1 room away and text one another instead of just walking to the person's door and asking them the question they wanna ask. People don't even talk on the phone anymore, they'd rather text. Texting has ruined phone calls for me, I hate talking on the phone now, does that make me anti-social?

Also, have you ever had someone get mad at you because of the way THEY interpreted something you said in a text message? When you're talking to someone, you can hear certain voice inflections, sarcasm, and joking nature, but when you text, it's only words on a screen. Sure, punctuation helps... but every now and then you have some people who never passed English. Ever have an argument over a text that you sent that was misinterpreted by the person you sent it to? There's nothing worse than trying to explain what you meant in a text message with another text message. That's just infuriating. I think texting has made people too emotional, words don't have meaning outside of the meaning that a person places onto those words. So if you get upset about a text, maybe that says something about your interpretation.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Can You Forgive After A Partner Cheats On You?

Is it possible to forgive your significant other after they have knowingly cheated on you? This is one question that I think most people in relationships won't know the answer to until they have that experience. Many people can say "If he/she cheats on me I'm gone!" However, love is a powerful emotion, it'll make the most logical of people do some of the most uncharacteristic things in the world (trust me I've been there). In most cases there are precipitating factors that most significant others fail to see. If you and your significant other aren't talking or seeing each other as much, that can lead some some straying away from their loyalty. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but you have to take care of a relationship like you would a pet. You have to check on it constantly, feed it, keep it healthy, talk to it, and sometimes do things you don't want to do in order to keep it satisfied. if you don't take care of a pet, then what happens? It dies... same as a relationship. If you don't take care of your relationship, then you can't get mad when someone else picks up your slack.

I'm saying that to say this, most of the time adultery is not precipitated (I say most, because some people are just animals and will sleep with anything with 2 legs), it's when the current relationship is lacking something and neither party communicates this to the other.

So the question is asked again, can you forgive after a partner cheats on you? I think people should forgive, I'm not saying that you have to stay in a relationship with that person, but forgiveness is essential. It acknowledges that you have put the pain behind you and can move on as a person and won't hold that hurt inside.

Forgiveness is essential if you stay with the partner who had an affair because if you don't forgive them and you stay with them, then there will never be any trust in the relationship and anytime your suspicions peak, you will more than likely accuse that person of cheating again and start an argument. Also, some people are vindictive and they feel, if you cheated on me, then I can cheat on you and they will go have meaningless sex with someone they may not even care about just to dish out the pain that you gave to them.

Forgiveness is essential if you don't stay with that person because you may be the type of person who believes that if one partner cheats, then another partner will cheat and you may take your issues of mistrust from a previous relationship and project that onto a person who may have no intention of ever having an affair and you don't need those kind of issues in the beginning of a relationship.

So, again I ask, can YOU forgive a partner after they have an affair? Even though it may be beneficial to you to do so, the answer is still up to you.

Sex And The Double Standard

There's this double standard that exists, everyone knows what it is I'm referring to; the double standard that says men can sleep with whomever they please and it's just considered being a "man" while women get labeled because of their sexual freedom or lack there of. If a woman is comfortable with her sexuality and feel comfortable enough to express herself physically with someone, then she's labeled a "whore" or "easy", whereas if a woman isn't easy enough, then she's labeled "stuck up".

Where is the balance? It seems that there is no winning for women. Either you're going to give it up to the sexually hungry man and be called easy, or you're going to make him wait and be called a prude.

My opinion is that men don't control sexual relations, so it's our job to make women feel horrible about their sexuality. If you don't believe that women control sex, just watch how guys act when they're turned down for sex. Let's say a guy is at the bar with a young lady and they've been talking and the man asks the woman back to his apartment and the woman says no. The man immediately gets defensive, he may call her a name, and he walks away fuming. If we (men) could have sex whenever we wanted to have sex, then women would approach us for sex. If that were to happen, then I doubt there would be a double standard attached to women. One thing about guys is that we're very sly and very vengeful. We'll try every angle to get what we want even if it involves deceit.

I can just imagine the very first time the double standard was used to coerce a woman into having sex with a man.

Woman: "Honey I don't really want to have sex"

Man: "Cmon dear, (dramatic pause) don't be such a prude!"

Woman: "A what?"

Man: "(maniacal laughter in his head) A prude dear, someone who thinks that she is so much better than everyone else that she has to have her own way all the time."

Woman: "I'm no prude!"

Man: "(smiles) prove it..."

*Several minutes later*

Man: Well that was *easy*... (light bulb goes off)

That's my interpretation of how the double standard was invented... it was invented as a desperation act by men to have sex with a woman.

Anybody have any comments for that?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Respect Yourself Ladies

This was kind of the theme for tonight, lol.

I try not to get on the ladies too much about certain things because you like to use the "women are more mature than guys" card. Which is true sometimes...but other times you ladies make me shake my head!

You have to start respecting yourself ladies, or no man will respect you. You wonder why he doesn't call you back, doesn't answer your texts? It's because he doesn't have any respect for you, time to keep it moving don't make yourself look desperate by calling him from your friend's phone to see if he answers, you're just doing too much for 1 person. Try working that hard to gain your own respect rather than some guy's.

Stop giving it up to just anyone and so easily! Women your body's are the temples. You're the one's that are desired, so stop making the chase so easy. If someone gives us a free sandwich everyday, we're gonna love that sandwich for awhile, until we see a new restaurant open up, sure it costs some money, but it's new and we know that if we don't like the food, we'll always have that sandwich, the bottom line is, we lose respect for the sandwich, which is what's happening to you ladies. Now they may not be calling you hoes and sluts as much anymore, but the next gen names are no better; jumpoff, bird, duck, etc.

Guys you don't have a reason to be upset either. I'm not trying to playa hate or block. I'm just saying, what if you have a daughter. Do you want your daughter being some dude's jumpoff? Hell no! I have female cousins. I WHOLE slew of them. I'll be damned if I let a dude disrespect them because they know that before anything else they need to respect themselves. I'm trying to just encourage the ladies to respect themselves more. Don't look for validation from a dude. Some people think nights by yourself are always lonely, well let me tell you, there's nothing lonelier being next to someone who doesn't respect you. At least if you have self-respect, you know you'll be appreciated by someone in the morning. And another thing fellas, everything you do to women comes back around 3 times. So just think about that!

So ladies just think before you act, I'm not dissing you or anything I'm just saying. It's cool to dress sexy, it's NOT cool to wear booty shorts where the booty is actually hanging out. It's cool to dance with the guys, it's NOT cool to give lap dances and hump the dude on the ground. Are you in college to be a teacher or to be a stripper?

-Think. It ain't illegal yet.


A Word On Confidence

Oftentimes we reach a point where we base how we feel about ourselves on what other people say about us. Like when did someone elses validation really matter? But we all do it, we feel crappy because someone said something bad about us, whether it's true or not. In reality, only one person's opinion of you should matter and that's your own. That's why we have people who everyone else thinks is "ugly" out here pulling all these women. It's because Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! And that eye should be your own. People tell themselves that they're attractive and other people start believing it. If you can portray something convincingly enough, you can get anyone to believe anything.

Confidence is the key word. Confidence goes a long way...I mean even Steve Urkel ended up marrying Laura because he was confident in himself no matter how many people put him down. (Us geeks gotta stick together!)

One thing that happens is that people get discouraged with being who they are, so they try to be someone else. But the thing is, you can't be anyone but yourself. You were made the way you were made for a reason and that makes you unique. Don't try to get breasts like Pamela Anderson, that's her role in life, not yours. I've learned to accept my flaws, and continue to accept the new flaws I discover. I know that I'm shy, I can't dance, I can't play basketball, I'm nervous, I worry, I don't have game, and most recently...I'm nearsighted. I can come to terms with these things and still love myself for what I do have and what I can accomplish. Maybe I wasn't meant to be an NBA star or a ballroom dancer or a ladies man, but I was put here for a purpose. We have to accentuate our positives and stop focusing so much on the negatives.

NOBODY is perfect, perfection does not exist in the human race that's why there's the saying NOBODY is perfect, meaning that there is no BODY that is perfect. What makes up a body? Head, shoulders, arms, chest, stomach, legs, feet, toes, fingers, butt. There is no perfect breasts! People who say that someone has the perfect personality...well what's inside the head? The Brain and what does the brain help establish? personality. If the brain is inside the head and the head ain't perfect, then that means there isn't a perfect personality either!

The moral is, no matter how other people view you, the battle starts at home. You have to win the battle with yourself before you try to overcome anybody else. Your mind can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy depending on ho confident you are. And I know how hard it can be. I still struggle with confidence, but I'm getting better at it, and I think people are noticing my changes a little more, which in turn makes me more confident. If you keep it positive, it'll continually grow.

Well that's enough for tonight!

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