Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This Really Bothers Me...

I was scouring the message boards on imdb.com because that's what I like to do in my spare time. I was reading what people had to say about Why Did I Get Married, since it was the last movie I'd seen recently. One guy writes how much he hates Tyler Perry movies and that he doesn't have any talent and how he could make better movies and blah blah blah.

Let's pause that for just a second. If you do not like a movie for whatever reason, that's your right as an American citizen, you don't have to like movies. Why do people take time out of their lives to write a crazy rant about how much they dislike a movie is beyond me. I know for a fact I wouldn't enjoy Bride Wars, but you won't catch me on rogerebert.com talking about how much the movie sucked. Also why is it that when people don't like something, they claim that the person has no talent? Sure Tyler Perry isn't going to win an Oscar anytime soon, but to say the man is untalented? He has millions of dollars that say otherwise. He has millions of fans that say otherwise. I'm no fan of country western singers either, but I won't deny that the singers have a talent that I don't. Why do we hate everything associated with what we do not like?

Another poster was outraged about "It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp" winning an Oscar for best song and he stated that rap music has no place in society, but he thought Terrance Howard deserved to win an Oscar for playing a rapper.... WTF?!?! Why do people like this exist? He's one huge contradiction. If rap has no place in society then what the hell does the actor playing the rapper do?

My whole argument is, if you don't like the music, fine you don't have to. Don't say it doesn't have a place in society because a lot of great moments in history have occurred due to rappers, I'm not saying that they're saints because most of them aren't, but they have a place in society and I'd shutter to think what the world would be like without my rap music!

But I digress, what is the purpose behind all this hatred? Is it prejudice or racism being disguised as a lack of preference or am I just overreacting again?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Should You ALWAYS Tell The Truth?

I've never been a man to use absolutes, to think that honesty is something that is always expected is juvenile. People that speak their minds all the time are always labeled as the jerks. Just think about it, if someone told you exactly what they were thinking whenever you asked all the time, half of the time they would say something you wouldn't want to hear. People don't always want the truth. They want to hear that they're perfect, it feeds their ego. No one wants to really sit down and talk about their flaws.

I believe that people have moral complexes that keep them from telling the truth. I wonder do other species have the communication issues that we humans have? When Rover comes home late, is his wife waiting at the doggy door asking him where he's been and why there's kibbles n bits on his breath when they only have Iams?

The truth is relative to the situation I think. Lies never hurt anyone, it's when lies come to the surface that people get hurt. Think about it, if you tell your g/f you've only been with 3 women, when you've really been with 7 women and the topic never comes up again... no harm done. I have more faith in people than I should. I like to think that decent people won't lie to you about something that's important, but I'm usually wrong. I guess I have a naiveity because the truth is, there's a 50/50 chance that what you're hearing out of someone's mouth is a lie. Now you can either be suspect of everything that someone says and live your life in a paranoid delirium. Or you can accept that people are human, if you've lied before, odds are that person has lied before and probably will lie to you at one point and you to them.

Lying is a vicious, but necessary circle. Parents lie, lovers lie, politicians lie, teachers lie, the damage done is only relative to the situation. Just my thoughts, what do you guys think?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Do Fame And Money Make You Sexy?

This is just a contemplation of mine. I was thinking of this earlier when someone told me that Will Smith was sexy in I, Robot. I was thinking, people weren't really talking about how much sex appeal Will Smith had back in the Fresh Prince days. It seems that ever since he started banking 100+ million a movie that he just became a sex symbol overnight.

I mean if having money makes you more appealing to the opposite sex people can stop wasting their money on cosmetics and gyms and apply their time and money to libraries and businesses because having a million dollars is just like have a set of rock hard abs or a perfect ass.

Is the reason people worship celebrities and actors because of their talent or their bankroll because not all celebrities are attractive. Flava Flav had 20 women pining over him not once, not twice, but thrice! Why!?! If Flava Flav can have 60 women fighting and shitting on themselves for him, I should be able to get at least 70 right?

NOT! I'm not in the limelight. I don't make six figures, I don't have a camera in my face 24/7 and walk around in a viking helmet all day.

Those reality shows should be living proof that fame makes you sexier, look at New York, Real, Chance, Tila Tequila, all these people were nobodies before they were given fame from someone who themselves didn't really have notable fame themselves. Now look at who they're rolling with! You think New York would've been able to pull half the dudes she did on her show? What about Real and Chance? You think if they were just regular bums on the street women would be willing to get tattoos of their name on themselves? HELL NO! Or as my mom says H to the N!

So what do you guys think? Fame and Money = Sexified?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Is Hollywood Racist?

I like to think not, but the evidence is piling up in favor of a yes answer. Is it a coincidence that one of the longest standing t.v. sitcoms of all time only had a handful of african-americans on the show? I'm talking about Friends. Friends lasted forever didn't it? We can barely get an black sitcom to last an hour.

"But Roderic, that's not racist, do you know how many sitcoms aimed at White audiences got cancelled?"

No I don't, but I know how many that didn't by looking at my t.v. guide. When's the last Pre-Tyler Perry that a black sitcom reigned supreme? The Cosby Show? Family Matters? Good Times? The Fresh Prince? Martin? How come we aren't getting any new sitcoms at an alarming rate? I mean I guess because the population is majority caucasian, then it'd make sense for television to be majority white as well.

I know, I know it sounds ignorant because there are black sitcoms, mixed sitcoms, and it's just insane to think that Hollywood Execs are against engaging black sitcoms on television. I hope I'm just being paranoid.

What do you guys think?

What Makes A Great Marriage? (In My Opinion)

I wish there were a formula that was absolutely fool-proof in its effectiveness to improve a marriage. The sad fact of the matter is that people are different and different ideas and plans work for different people. One of my professors told me that he knows everything there is to know about women because he understands that he knows absolutely nothing about women, but that keeps him from putting his biases and misconceptions onto the women he comes in contact with.

I believe that listening to one another and not to a television screen or a magazine will greatly improve the quality of a marriage. There is always an expert or celebrity that knows so much about marriage that he or she is going to tell you how to fix your relationship when the individual doesn't even know you or your situation. I say listen to the one that matters, your spouse because at the end of the day the person who wrote the book is not going to be the one laying next to you. Communication is a huge factor in the improvement of marriages and it is okay if you or your spouse are unsure about how to react to certain situations in your relationship, especially if you're newlyweds. There's nothing about marriage that says you need to be an expert on relationships in order to enter into this matrimony. Do not think that just because you have been married before that you know everything about marriages. A marriage is a learning experience, just because you pass a class does not qualify you to be the teacher.

Another issue I believe that will halt the progress of a marriage is the belief that more sex equals a better relationship. Once again I believe that this is relative. I think that if a relationship is suffering in the intimacy category, then by all means a more active sex life will more than likely help, but we do not need every couple thinking that they need to pop Viagra, have threesomes, or dress up like playboy bunnies to have a great marriage. I think that because we put so much emphasis on waiting until you're in love to have sex that people believe that more sex is equivalent to more love, which would make sense if people ONLY had sex when they were in love, but as we have seen, you do not need to be in love to have sex.

Finally, I believe that a commitment to being a unit is necessary for a great marriage. Too many people believe that marriage is about them. Marriage is not a one puppet show, it involves two people. That whole selfish mentality has to end in order for a marriage to be successful. Sacrifices and compromises will be made, but in sacrificing a bit of your independence, you gain a partner for life. You have someone you can share with, grow with, and most importantly, if you are as committed as your partner, you have someone that will love you unconditionally.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Dentist, AKA Hostel With An MD

What is it about the dentist that makes people so afraid to go to the dentist?

On the Eve of my wisdom teeth pulling I have decided to list a few reasons why I don't particularly like the dentist.

1. They're dealing with your mouth, and apparently the most intimate thing you can do to something is put it in your mouth, so they're already invading my space by poking and proding around in my mouth.

2. I don't like the taste of latex gloves. (There was this joke about a prostitute who went to the dentist and had a flashback when he put his gloved finger in her mouth, it's gross I know)

3. Even after they clean your teeth, your teeth never look like the people in the commercials. You might have just unusually white teeth, but for the majority of the people in the world, our teeth never look super bright white after a dentist cleans them, not unless you get the Power Clean (thanks Keith), which sounds more scary than beneficial.

4. There's rarely any good news when you leave the dentist, not unless you have super perfect teeth, or fake teeth. At least if you're in good health with the doctor they don't need to yank, drill, or fill any crevices you have. You always either have a cavity, need braces, need a tooth pulled, or something. Like if you go to the doctor for a backache, he's not usually going to shove a needle into your spine and pull out a piece of bone, he's going to give prescribe you some pain meds, maybe go see a chiropractor and get a deep tissue massage. If you go to the dentist for a toothache, it's ALWAYS serious and it usually involves stabbing a needle into your gums and doing something ridiculous. They always say the same thing too when they're about to stick you, either you'll feel a little pinch or don't worry I'm gentle. Last time I checked, there was no gentle way to stick a needle into someone.

5. Why does it seem like everything the dentist uses is sharp? The curvy pick thing, the straight pointy utensil, the floss, the toothbrush, the mirror. They always want to poke at your gums and your tongue which cause them to bleed and then they have the nerve to tell you something you already know. Your gums are sensitive. NO SHIT SHERLOCK! They're thin and fleshy of course they're sensitive. I didn't need you to stab my mouth with a razor blade to figure that out. There's this theory that dentists and doctors actually have a want to inflict pain onto others but they can't do that in society without being labeled psychotic so they find a socially acceptable way to inflict pain to other people. Think of that when you're at the doctor/dentist next time.

Tomorrow at 9 am the wisdom teeth come out, wish me a speedy recovery, and if you wanna visit me, feel free to do so I'll be home for the rest of the week healing up. Bring ice cream or you ain't gettin in the door!


I Don't Even Know You And I Hate Your Guts

This note is to talk about a very very prominent issue that has run amuck throughout this generation. That issue is... Hating.

Why do people hate on others?

Are we ignorant to the fact that everyone has different genes, experiences, upbringings, tastes, likes, dislikes, finances, and access to materials?

Here are some rules that should quell the hating phenomenon

1. If you don't like what i'm wearing, that's fine because YOU don't have to be seen in it.
This rule is self explanatory... if you hate my outfit, that's cool, it's my outfit not yours, I have to walk around with it in not you.

2. If you like what I'm wearing, don't say I'm whack.
Classic line when someone is admiring your threads or what have you and they don't want you to know that they think you have good taste in clothes, cars, sneakers, whatever.

3. If someone says "Stop Hatin" and your response is "Ain't nobody hatin on you", then you're HATIN!
That's the number 1 lines that follows the line "stop hatin" and it's the fool proof way to tell if someone is hatin on you.

4. If someone is wearing the same outfit that you are, they're not wearing YOUR dress or YOUR sweater, they're wearing Forever 21's sweater. (Or wherever you get your particular merchandise)
You knew there was more than one when you went in the store... there's a whole shelf of them! Did you really think no one would ever buy that sweater and wear it on the same night as you? Especially if you pick a holiday like New Years... don't be surprised to see someone with your outfit on.

5. Don't Hate, Appreciate.
Need I say more?

Learn to live by these rules and we can be hater free by the Summer.


The N-Word Controversy

I've been asked how I feel about the n-word and the "funeral" for the n-word that the NAACP had a few months ago. Here are my thoughts:

I feel that if we're going to have a funeral for the word Nigger then we need to have a funeral for all racial slurs for all races. I mean Nigger isn't the only racial slur for black people that's out there why not kill off "coon" and "monkey" while we're at it.

Also, why not kill off the word "Chink" and "Spic" and "Wetback" while we're at it. Just because african americans happen to be the second largest ethnic group in the U.S right now doesn't make the other races' struggle any less important. In about 5 years the Hispanics will be larger than african americans. Even with white people, how can we claim to want to destroy a racial slur when black people still say "cracker ass cracker"? Sure it's not nearly as oppressive as the other racial slurs because white people haven't ever been oppressed, but it's a racial slur all the same. I think racial slurs should be limited to their respective races, if white people want to walk around calling each other "cracker" I have no issue with that, because I've said the n-word, I continue to say the n-word and I will say it in the future. As long as a person of another race doesn't address me or any african american using the n-word, I pledge to never say any racial slurs about any other race.

Also, white people are very creative people, and who knows what racial slur they'll come up with if they don't say the n-word anymore? I for one, don't want to find out how creative they can be.

And if you're wondering about what to call me, should you call me a black man or african -american. I'll tell you what I prefer, Roderic. Plain and simple.


The Dumbest Generation

Right now I'm reading a book called "The Dumbest Generation... aka Don't Trust Anyone Under 30".

This book that I'm reading, ironically is about how our generation doesn't read books anymore. It talks about with all the technology and gadgetry that is at our disposal, we're actually becoming dumber as far as knowing history, writing, civics, politics, etc.

Teenagers actually gloat about not knowing who's running for president, but yet they know who won american idol last season. When they're confronted about this phenomenon they state "American idol is more important".

Technology is fantastic, but it's killing our abilities to write, spell, put together sentences, etc. When was the last time you actually had to find out how to spell a word? When I was younger, I had to look up words in the dictionary, now I don't even own a dictonary, except for the computer, hehe. BUT with microsoft office, you just click spellcheck and the problem is fixed. No longer do you have to proofread your essays before you turn them in you just wait for office to show you that gree squiggly line and you're that much closer to an A.

This book is hitting me twice as hard, both as a member of the targeted generation and as a black person. You know the joke that says if you want to hide your money from a black person, hide it in your books because black people don't read. Well I'm determined to break from that stereotype.

The book talks about the internet and how even with probably a million+ books at our disposal we'd rather use the internet for instant messaging, youtubing, and myspacing. There are those who claim that not reading books is just a cultural shift because things are changing, the youth's attention spans are quickening and they have no time to sit still for 2-3 hours to read a book.

You would think that all the testing and challenges academically in this generation that students would be more intelligent, but if they used the standards of measurement for intelligence for this generation that they used for the previous generation, then our IQ would be about an 80 when compared to the previou generations. What's the big difference you might ask between this generation and the previous generation? They read more, all other variables were kept constant.

It's not school and class that really makes us better writers, testtakers, speakers, it's the books. They improve vocabulary, sentence structure, reading ability, and comprehension. This is important on I don't know... the SAT, LSAT, GMAT, GRE which all have reading comprehension sections and some sort of writing section.

The crazy part is, we spend hours and hours in front of the t.v. paying money for cable and electricity when books are for the most part free at the library, and there are billions of periodicals and magazines online for free.

I'm not telling anybody this to say that i'm better or I'm such a well read individual because to be honest, I just started reading for leisure over the summer and I'm reading more and more everyday. Another sad fact is the author classified reading as any literary work, you could've read a comic book, and our generation still didn't want to read.

Please don't let us 30 year olds and younger go down in history as "The Dumbest Generation", pick up a book once a month; enhance yourself!


For The Guys, Who Hasn't This Happened To?

I'm not ashamed of expressing my fears and grievances with everyone, so i want to share a popular fear that people experience, but this is mostly geared towards guys.

Guys! Why do we feel so embarrassed about buying condoms from the store? I for one have experienced that anxiety and stress. It's like whenever you pull up to the drug store there's like 50 people in the store already. Then you have to walk all the way to the back where the pharmacy is, and pick out your brand, style, flavor what have you. It's not bad enough that they're all the way in the back, but they're in the open too, so anybody walking down the back aisle can see you in front of the condoms. Then once you've selected your package, you then have to walk all the way back up to the front and pay for them. God Forbid that there's a female checking you out, you have a mini panic attack standing in line, and don't let her be cute either it's like the fates conspired against you.

if you're like me, I never can just buy a box of condoms by itself. I need to buy a magazine, a soda, some chips, something other than just the condoms. I don't know I guess it takes the focus off of the condoms so much so the person ringing you out isn't just judging you for the condoms you bought. Is it just me or do you ALWAYS think the person ringing you up is judging you?

I was watching a sitcom and this guy was buying some and he was freaking out because the line was long and he had the value pack of condoms with like 24 in the pack (do they make those?) and he was trying to hide them under his coat until he got to the register. That's where the inspiration for this rant came from, in case you were wondering, lol.

Fellas what do you think?


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