Sunday, February 21, 2010

New For 2010: Text Messaging Ruining Communication

Is it just me or is text messaging ruining the communication process? It keeps a person's true personality and spontaneity in a conversation from showing up. When you can edit and decide how you want to say something before you say it, it makes you seem like a much better communicator than you may actually be.

People can be 1 room away and text one another instead of just walking to the person's door and asking them the question they wanna ask. People don't even talk on the phone anymore, they'd rather text. Texting has ruined phone calls for me, I hate talking on the phone now, does that make me anti-social?

Also, have you ever had someone get mad at you because of the way THEY interpreted something you said in a text message? When you're talking to someone, you can hear certain voice inflections, sarcasm, and joking nature, but when you text, it's only words on a screen. Sure, punctuation helps... but every now and then you have some people who never passed English. Ever have an argument over a text that you sent that was misinterpreted by the person you sent it to? There's nothing worse than trying to explain what you meant in a text message with another text message. That's just infuriating. I think texting has made people too emotional, words don't have meaning outside of the meaning that a person places onto those words. So if you get upset about a text, maybe that says something about your interpretation.

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