Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Word On Confidence

Oftentimes we reach a point where we base how we feel about ourselves on what other people say about us. Like when did someone elses validation really matter? But we all do it, we feel crappy because someone said something bad about us, whether it's true or not. In reality, only one person's opinion of you should matter and that's your own. That's why we have people who everyone else thinks is "ugly" out here pulling all these women. It's because Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! And that eye should be your own. People tell themselves that they're attractive and other people start believing it. If you can portray something convincingly enough, you can get anyone to believe anything.

Confidence is the key word. Confidence goes a long way...I mean even Steve Urkel ended up marrying Laura because he was confident in himself no matter how many people put him down. (Us geeks gotta stick together!)

One thing that happens is that people get discouraged with being who they are, so they try to be someone else. But the thing is, you can't be anyone but yourself. You were made the way you were made for a reason and that makes you unique. Don't try to get breasts like Pamela Anderson, that's her role in life, not yours. I've learned to accept my flaws, and continue to accept the new flaws I discover. I know that I'm shy, I can't dance, I can't play basketball, I'm nervous, I worry, I don't have game, and most recently...I'm nearsighted. I can come to terms with these things and still love myself for what I do have and what I can accomplish. Maybe I wasn't meant to be an NBA star or a ballroom dancer or a ladies man, but I was put here for a purpose. We have to accentuate our positives and stop focusing so much on the negatives.

NOBODY is perfect, perfection does not exist in the human race that's why there's the saying NOBODY is perfect, meaning that there is no BODY that is perfect. What makes up a body? Head, shoulders, arms, chest, stomach, legs, feet, toes, fingers, butt. There is no perfect breasts! People who say that someone has the perfect personality...well what's inside the head? The Brain and what does the brain help establish? personality. If the brain is inside the head and the head ain't perfect, then that means there isn't a perfect personality either!

The moral is, no matter how other people view you, the battle starts at home. You have to win the battle with yourself before you try to overcome anybody else. Your mind can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy depending on ho confident you are. And I know how hard it can be. I still struggle with confidence, but I'm getting better at it, and I think people are noticing my changes a little more, which in turn makes me more confident. If you keep it positive, it'll continually grow.

Well that's enough for tonight!

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