Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This Really Bothers Me...

I was scouring the message boards on imdb.com because that's what I like to do in my spare time. I was reading what people had to say about Why Did I Get Married, since it was the last movie I'd seen recently. One guy writes how much he hates Tyler Perry movies and that he doesn't have any talent and how he could make better movies and blah blah blah.

Let's pause that for just a second. If you do not like a movie for whatever reason, that's your right as an American citizen, you don't have to like movies. Why do people take time out of their lives to write a crazy rant about how much they dislike a movie is beyond me. I know for a fact I wouldn't enjoy Bride Wars, but you won't catch me on rogerebert.com talking about how much the movie sucked. Also why is it that when people don't like something, they claim that the person has no talent? Sure Tyler Perry isn't going to win an Oscar anytime soon, but to say the man is untalented? He has millions of dollars that say otherwise. He has millions of fans that say otherwise. I'm no fan of country western singers either, but I won't deny that the singers have a talent that I don't. Why do we hate everything associated with what we do not like?

Another poster was outraged about "It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp" winning an Oscar for best song and he stated that rap music has no place in society, but he thought Terrance Howard deserved to win an Oscar for playing a rapper.... WTF?!?! Why do people like this exist? He's one huge contradiction. If rap has no place in society then what the hell does the actor playing the rapper do?

My whole argument is, if you don't like the music, fine you don't have to. Don't say it doesn't have a place in society because a lot of great moments in history have occurred due to rappers, I'm not saying that they're saints because most of them aren't, but they have a place in society and I'd shutter to think what the world would be like without my rap music!

But I digress, what is the purpose behind all this hatred? Is it prejudice or racism being disguised as a lack of preference or am I just overreacting again?

1 comment:

Ashley Smith said...

It's an insecure person's way of expression, they have nothing better to do than to hate on other people.


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