Friday, March 13, 2009

You Know We're In A Recession

Don't I know this? I hear it everywhere I go. I've been affected by the recession, but is that an excuse for everything that we do or don't do? I think not!

Judging by the lines at Wal-Mart you wouldn't be able to tell that we're in a recession, they're still just as long and people are spending just as much on needless stuff. If money was so tight, you'd think people would only buy the essentials like food (I would say water, but you already get that in your home), light bulbs and the such, and other household supplies. However, I see people buying home theater systems...why? Your house is about to be taken from you, you better concentrate on your mortgage.

Here are some actual comments I've heard from people, were they playing around? I have no idea.

Guy 1 "Hey man, you got a job?"
Guy 2 "Nah... you know we in a recession."
Guy 1 "Well.... have you even looked for a job?"
Guy 2"Nah... you know we in a recession."

Guy 1 "Yo... Spell Recession!"
Guy 2 "R-E- Session."
Guy 1 "That's not how you spell recession."
Guy 2 "Well I can't afford to go to college you know we in a recession!"

I'm definitely not an economist... in fact I never even took an economics class. The closest I've ever been to economics is home economics in 9th grade...don't judge me.

I know that we're spending unnecessary money with the war on drugs... a billion dollars a year with basically no progress except overcrowded prisons and what does the govt turn to when the economy screws up? Drugs... California is thinking about legalizing marijuana and taxing it so it can stimulate the economy. That's what I call irony!!

We have prisoners in jail living better than decent hard working law abiding citizens. WTF? We're building new prisons every year. I believe Chris Rock said it best, "If you're living in an old project, a new jail don't seem that bad". No wonder the housing market is in such a crappy situation, you can get a brand new place to stay for 5 to 10 just by slapping a cop, no down payment, no leases, no landlords. I know people planning crimes around prison buildings. Like "dog as soon as they finish that prison, I'm robbing a liquor store".

We have prisoners on death row sitting around for 5+ years just taking up space. If the man is sentenced to die can't we just guillotine him renaissance style?

I know we got fair trials and everything like that, but if it was up to me all you'd get was the best out of 3. If you lose two out of 3 trials...your sentence stands. You better save your resources just in case!

It always bothers me that Americans are so nationalist when it's beneficial to them, but when it's time to actually come together and help one another, we feel the need to be individuals.

The taxing the rich so that the economy can kick start is a good example. Rich people are all for America until it's time to help the Americans. Then it's like... well why should I have to help them? All you rich corporate bastards, who do you think helped fill your pockets? Now you're so high and mighty you can't lend 10,000 of your 200,000+ a year salary to help out those in need? Do you really need a third vacation to the Bahamas? That's just the greed of man.

Another thing...the universal health care plan. I've heard why it's a bad idea, but really? Really? You'd let people die or not get treated just so you can save a pretty penny? You want some pennies? I got a coffee mug of them, you can have mine you pricks! I'm a human services guy so that explains my outrage, I go to the outer limits to try to help people within reason.

I'm not saying we should pay for those miniscule doctor visits, but if people are really ill or need emergency surgery and get pushed to the side so the nurse can check out a patient with a papercut just because he has the proper coverage whats the harm in helping them? I'd want help if it was me and I'm sure you all would too.

The problem most people have with this is that they're looking at the bottom from the top, once again greed. It's like I have a loaf of bread and I know people are starving, but why should I share my bread?

People get so funny when they talk about increasing taxes to help people out. Like we're so holy. You know people pay taxes for us to go to public schools too, did you have perfect attendance?

Case Closed

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