Sunday, November 16, 2008

Does Being Famous Guarantee You A Get Out Of Jail Free Card?

I don't believe that being a celebrity automatically guarantees you a get out of jail free card, but it does help to have that fame when sentencing comes around. All the celebrities in the news that get into trouble with the law either serve very little or no jail time because of their status. Michael Jackson, O.J. Simpson, R. Kelly, rapper T.I., Michael Vick, Martha Stewart, Lil' Kim, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and Robert Blake are all examples of celebrities that get into trouble with the law, but manage to squeeze out of a major jail sentence.

I for one think that it's a shame that people can so blatantly get away with crimes that a regular citizen would never be able to escape. For instance, Lindsay Lohan was arrested for a DUI and was ordered to go to rehab without a jail sentence, okay I can see that happening. however, what I can't get behind is that when we she was caught with cocaine in her pocket just months later that should have been the final straw that sent her to the penal colony. However, much to my chagrin she only spent one day in prison now she's back to making movies. A person with a regular job would have lost his job and sent to jail for at least 30 days. R. Kelly is another example. He has a video of himself having sex with a minor. There is no need to search for evidence in this case the evidence is everywhere, people can buy that tape off the black market. You can see Robert Kelly's face and he was acquitted of all charges. This is a complete slap in the face to any man or woman who has been arrested for statutory rape. This man went on tour, made albums, and made videos all while awaiting to stand trial. There are people in jail right now who have been incarcerated for months that are still awaiting to stand trial, but this man is allowed special priveleges because he is famous.

What I don't understand is why some people believe that celebrities are so holy. They're people just like you and I. They just make more money than you and I. There are people willing to believe to their deaths that it's some sort of conspiracy when celebrities get in trouble with the law. It's no conspiracy, they broke the law, that's why they're in trouble; however, they never get into trouble. I compare celebrities to the "favorite child". For example if there are two children and they both do something mischievous, one child gets the severe punishment, like a spanking or grounded or both while the other child just bats their eyes and they just get sent to their room. Celebrities are like the favorite child and the judicial system is the weak spirited parent that can't get past the puppy dog eyes and give that child a good lashing.

The worst part is that celebrities can really be used as an example with their unlimited exposure and can be used to prevent some of the petty crimes in the world if they were punished like they were supposed to, but giving them sympathy only gives other people the false impression that they can get away with that crime as well. I wonder if people on trial for the same crimes that celebrities got light sentences for can cite that particular celebrity's case and get the same sentence the celebrity got. I say give these celebrities a reason to stay on the straight and narrow by setting an example, I'm not saying give them overly harsh sentences, but don't cut them any slack because the community uproars or because of their status. At the end of the day a crime is still a crime. A crisp dollar and a crumpled dollar can buy the same candy bar.

Are Today's Youth Ready For The Challenges of Tomorrow?

I believe that the youth of today are definitely ready for the challenges of tomorrow. I understand that this is a new generation, there aren't a whole lot of radicals from this new generation out there preaching and advocating for the future. However, whoever said that someone had to be outspoken to be successful? This is a new and bright generation. More children are going to college than ever before, the youth are becoming more interested in politics and the news, especially with the election. The youth are becoming more intertwined with other cultures and are interacting with and accepting one another despite their differences. The youth are living the dream that past generations fought for and hopefully can continue to carry that dream for their remainder of their lives.

There will always be challenges for the youth to face, but there may not necessarily always be a battle that needs fighting. We have fought for independence, fought for civil rights, and fought for equality. Do we want our children to have to fight as well? When are we going to say, we have done enough fighting in this country now all you have to do is go out there and maintain the established order? How can we say that the youth are not ready to lead? The youth are now more informed and more capable at such an early age that they have nowhere to go but up.

If we're using the murdering one another, drug, and gang activity that is seen in the media as the only criteria for determining if the youth are ready for the challenges of tomorrow, then yes it would seem like the country is doomed; however, what is shown in the media is a sensationalized image of what really goes on in the world. Not every youth is picking up a gun and killing another youth. We have children graduating earlier, going to college, going to graduate school, and becoming lawyers and doctors.

I do not believe that the youth will let us down. I feel that they are definitely ready for the challenges tomorrow brings, but they need support and direction, not a past generation sitting around idly waiting and expecting them to fail. If past generations continue to carry the youth life infants, never letting them walk out of fear that they will fall down, then when they can't carry the youth anymore and it's time for them to walk, they will fall.

I for one think that the world will be in exactly with right hands when the challenges of tomorrow come around.

Does Money and Depression Go Hand in Hand?

There are some people say that "money can buy happiness." Those are the same people that say "hard work never killed anyone." I say that those people never read the story of John Henry who challenged the steam engine and won, but died shortly after from working too hard.

I believe that if you do not have money, then money can be a segway into happiness. I'm sure someone won't be as depressed if they know that they'll be able to afford their rent for the next couple of months. I don't necessarily believe that money is the reason for depression; however. If there wasn't a reason for money to exist I believe that people would still have depression. There are other factors that contribute to depression. For instance, relationships, family, job satisfaction, attitudes on life, etc are all reasons that can affect depression in a person that may not have anything to do with money.

The job satisfaction example is extremely important because there are some individuals that make ridiculous amounts of money, but are not happy in their current employment. The money has nothing to do with why they're depressed. There have been people that have quit their jobs making six figures to go work at Wal-Mart because they did not like their job.

Relationships and family are other examples that can cause depression. If your spouse is leaving you or you lost a family member, that could lead to depression. In fact, getting a divorce and losing a family member are the roots for long term depression.

I believe the issue is people want to make money the reason why people are depressed. I think money is only a symptom of why people are depressed not the underlying cause. For instance, people may think that homeless people are depressed because they do not have money. I believe that the homeless are depressed because they do not have a home or stability. If there was a way to get what you need to survive without money, I don't think the homeless would be as depressed. If a man who was hungry could get a meal without having to work to get the money to pay for that meal, he'd be less depressed.

I believe that people put too much emphasis on money to make them happy. People believe that rich equals happy. This is not always the case, if it was we wouldn't have any incidents where rich and successful people killed themselves. I believe that in life there are going to be things that will cause depression, money just happens to be one of the many things that can lead to depression, but everytime depression is uttered it should not be assumed that money is the cause.

Girls Gone Wild!?

Imagine this, it's late at night, you're sitting at home watching your favorite stand up comedian on Comedy Central and you're with your girlfriend or significant other. The evening is going smoothly until that program cuts to commercial and suddenly your television screen becomes a softcore pornography video for the next thirty seconds. Not only is there now a tension in the air and the fun has been sucked out of the room, now the guy is placed in a compromising situation; does he change the channel or not? Imagine how uncomfortable the young lady must feel being subjected to such material. A perfect evening has consequently been ruined by 30 seconds of obscenity.

This scenario happens all over America and for one I am tired of seeing it happen. Girls Gone Wild, while an interesting premise is juvenile, offensive, and irresponsible. Not only does the infomercial come on during every commercial break from 11 p.m til 3 a.m., but it falsely advertises young college women as these mindless drones that can't help but take their clothes off at the sight of a camera. Is this what we send our daughters, sisters, and cousins to college for? To be ogled by men for their own profit? I'm sorry but if these guys came to my sister or daughter's school, I'd be on television. I'd be on "Cops" because they would be coming to arrest me for murder.

Not only is the program offensive, but unethical as well. Do these women get paid? Do they sign informed consent forms? Are they in the correct mindset to understand the wild journey they are about to embark upon? If the answer to any of these questions is "No" then Girls Gone Wild has to go. I am a respectful man, yet I admit that I have lusted after females based on sheer physical attraction. However, I couldn't fathom degrading young women by asking them to strip for my camera so I can get paid for their nudity.

It has come to my attention that recently the creator or founder of Girls Gone Wild has been brought to justice, but I believe they are still distributing videos and dvds to all who order them. And it seems that even though they have no CEO, new videos are still being created and sold. I believe that this crude, obscene spectacle will not have it's wrongs made right until all sales and advertising of the product cease. We need to further promote the integrity of America and it starts with ridding our country of programs like Girls Gone Wild.

The Absence of Black Fathers in The Home

I cannot judge a man by his actions if his motives are unknown. There are certainly plenty of men regardless of their race that have been absent parents. However, it seems that in the black family, the men are more prone to not be apart of their children's lives. As a black child, I never had a relationship with my father. For whatever reason he chose not to be in my life is his to deal with. I more than anything would have liked to know why he was not a part of my life more than I wanted him to be in my life. I could not say I would have blamed him for his absence or been so hostile towards him had I understood his reasoning for not being around.

There are countless studies and tests that claim that children need a father figure, especially boys if they are to be productive adults. I do not believe that is true. I don't believe that having a father in your life will make you a better father to your children. My grandfather was fully supportive of my father and is fully supportive of me, but my own father never had anything to do with me. When I have children of my own I know I will never leave or abandon them. Even if the relationship between their mother and I falls apart my children will always be in my life. In a way, not having a father in my life will make me a better father because now I know all the things I'm not supposed to do as a parent. I was fortunate though because I had a very healthy support system in my family with both men and women. There are some children who aren't as fortunate and compliant with their mothers and need a firm strong male role model to keep them from doing the wreckless things that boys do. So I believe that it is very valuable to have a father in the child's life, not necessarily in the home, but as long as the child knows they have a mother and a father that they can turn to, then they shouldn't be too bad off.

All in all I believe that fathers need to step up and take responsibility for what they brought into this world. Children don't ask to be here and they certainly can't choose their parents so it is up to the parent to say, "I know this is not how I planned for my life to unfold, but I need to take charge and make sure my child is taken care of". I think that the next generation of men who were victims of absent fathers will try to end this trend of single parent families and be part of their child's lives. At least I know one black man who will not become a statistic.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thoughts on Attraction, Ideals, and Standards in Dating

Everyone won't agree with me on this, but this is just some random thoughts I had while I was talking to some people.

I think when it comes to finding the one person to settle down with people get bogged down by standards and ideals. If this person isn't this list of things then he's not for me. Why do people subject themselves to that? That's the reason there is so much heartbreak, I'm NOT saying that you have to settle people. Just give some people a chance, look at your "list" of standards and say do I really NEED this person to have this, if the person is 6'5" does that really make him a better person than someone who's only 6'0''? Are we going to be any more compatible if he's 5 inches taller? Is there a relationship between height and attraction because I know some tall single people.

People get caught up with this mold of their "ideal" mate and they rule out people that don't fit that mold. I believe that attraction and compatibility should over power any "ideals" that people have. I understand that people want someone who's educated and has a future, that's a desirable quality in a potential mate. However, everyone knows that one person who wants to marry a rocket scientist, but barely graduated from high school. Or if someone has the qualities you're looking for, but they have a child, they're automatically not as attractive anymore. Does the fact that they may give more of their love to their child than you offend you? That seems like more of a reason to be attracted to someone, if they love their child more than someone they're only dating.

I know people will claim that I'm claiming that you settle for less than you "want" but then again I say, they're only wants not needs. You don't NEED for your wife to be America's Next Top Model and a great chef as long as she's a real woman. You don't NEED for your man to make 6 figures, as long as he gets up everyday and goes to work and takes care of his business at home and work.

The funny thing is, people never end up with who they expect to end up with, it's always like, I didn't think he/she was her/his type. Well surprise surprise, things have a funny way of working themselves out.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Black People!!

To all my beloved black brothers and sisters out there this is a brand new day for us. Now isn't the time to become stagnant in our endeavors. Now is the time to work harder and strive for further accomplishments like the one we all witnessed and took part in yesterday. Now is the time to get busy doing what we need to do to show all those naysayers out there that this is what we deserved. I know everyone is celebrating the fact that we now have our first black president, but please people don't stop getting your education! Things need to change inside this race too, we need to stop hating each other and start loving one another. We can't keep blaming the white man for our problems anymore, it's time we take care of business.

This is our time, and even if we only have 4 years of Obama, we need to make this the best 4 years for black people ever!

Don't think it's going to be easy though. Prepare for things to get worse before they get better, prepare for ignorant people to show their asses even more frequently, and prepare for greatness.

We haven't made it there yet, but we took a giant leap towards our inevitable destination. I'm proud to say I'm a black man in America, and I want to stay being proud, I hope you do too.


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